District 9


About Us

Convention 2023 Minutes 

Convention 2024 Guelph July

Spring Annual Meeting

Fall Forum


In Memoriam



D9 Plants a Bur Oak

Links Insurance and Manuals etc.

OHA Trillium

Award Winners

Competition Award Winners

District 9 Annual Report Archives

OHA 2022 Annual Report








District 9 encompasses the Niagara peninsula from Grimsby to Niagara Falls. As well, it includes the Dunnville Horticultural Society located in Haldimand County. There are thirteen societies in the District.

In District 9, we garden in a variety of conditions ranging in Zones from 5 to 6. Some areas are quite sheltered and many exotic plants are grown here by adventurous gardeners.

We have two meetings per year, one being our AGM in the spring, usually the last Saturday of April and the other the Fall Forum, usually held on the last Saturday in September. Both meetings have speakers and flower and/or Photo competition shows. Information and schedules are available under "Spring Annual Meeting & Fall Forum". 

In 2024 District 9 AGM will be hosted by the Niagara Falls Horticultural Society on April 27th and will take place in Niagara Falls. At this time, our constitution was amended to increase the District 9 Society Fee. Our Fall Forum will be held on Seot, 28 and will be hosted by the Welland Horticultural Society at Wesley United Church. These meetings are fun and a great chance to meet with lots of camaraderie and just plain fun! Check the links for this on our page.

In the year that District 9 hosted Convention 2012, we sold over 1500 of the 1812 Rose.  It is a red rose and very disease resistant. Palatine Roses in Niagara on the Lake has been the grower for this rose. At this time, sales of the 1812 Rose have been completed. If you have any further questions about the rose, please contact Palatine Roses.  Palatine Roses can be contacted at this website. Palatine Roses. Many thanks to all who supported District 9 in the sale of the rose and especially to the rose committee, who devoted countless hours to the success of this fundraiser.

Leslie Daniels, District 9 Director



13/07/2024 09:43:28 AM

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Susan M. Lusted